Occupational therapist helping an old man

Mobile Therapy: Outpatient Therapy Services in the Home

What is Mobile Outpatient Therapy? Mobile therapy is for anyone that may have limitations on ability to attend in clinic treatment sessions.

We provide mobile physical, occupational and speech therapy at your location. If you would like more information about mobile therapy please contact Petkov Bodywork Therapy today!

What to Expect When You Get Mobile Therapy

If you're getting mobile therapy, our scheduling coordinator will contact you to schedule a date and time for therapy. Your therapist will arrive at your home on the agreed-upon day and time, where all assessments and therapies will be carried out in private. Treatments may also include education and training for family members or caregivers. After mobile therapy sessions are complete, your therapist will leave any necessary supplies or equipment that you might need for the duration of mobile therapy services.

What are some of the advantages of mobile outpatient therapy?

Personalized one-on-one treatment. Personal care is tailored to your home setting. Because you don't have to travel to an outpatient clinic, this is very convenient.

Privacy and comfort in your own home. Treatment is done in the comfort of your living room, kitchen or bedroom -- where you feel most comfortable.

No disruption to family life. Mobile therapy allows patients a chance to continue their normal activities while getting physical therapy treatment at their convenience at home.

Do I need a doctor's supervision for my house mobile therapy services?

Yes. All you need is a referral from your doctor for outpatient therapy and a mobility device. Information about your treatment plan and therapies will be shared with your referring healthcare provider.

What to Expect When You Get Mobile Therapy

When mobile therapy is scheduled for you, our scheduling coordinator will contact you to schedule a date and time. Your therapist will arrive at your home on the agreed-upon day and time where all assessments and therapies will be carried out in private. Treatments may also include education and training for family members or caregivers. After mobile therapy sessions are complete, your therapist will leave any necessary supplies or equipment that you might need for the duration of mobile therapy services.

What a Therapist Will Do During Mobile Therapy Visits? During mobile physical therapy, the therapist will perform a full evaluation of your condition and needs in order to develop an individualized treatment plan. Therapies may include muscle strengthening exercises, range-of-motion moves or other functional techniques that are designed for your specific situation. The mobile physical therapy team can also provide education on how to maintain good mobility habits at home with the use of assistive devices and home safety.

Looking for Mobile Therapy in Phoenix, Glendale, Peoria, Scottsdale or the surrounding areas? Call us today at 480-389-4081or register yourself at our register form to book an appointment.